Introduction Part 1 ~ Who Is Warning Us About the Coming “New World Order”?

Oh, how I wish I didn’t have to write this section. I sure hope you understand why, and, more importantly, feel as I do by the time you get halfway through this. Even if you’re not at all caught up in the message of the New World Order, hopefully this will enable you to help someone else who is. For my part, I certainly didn’t look forward to doing the necessary research to enable me to write this. I will even tell you that I only did enough research to give me what I felt was sufficient information to make the point that I intend to make in this section. By no means do I intend to, or have any desire to, become an “expert” in these things. I only want to know enough, and write enough, to convince Seventh-day Adventists that there is no way in the world that God wants them going to these men to be “enlightened.” All I ask is that you read it with an open and prayerful mind.

I should probably tell you before beginning that I do not intend to write about the New World Order. What I intend to write about is the men who write about the New World Order and their religious beliefs. Only as their religious beliefs are incorporated into their New World Order teachings and are contrary to Seventh-day Adventist doctrine will I write about the New World Order. Also, I do not hesitate to say, that I believe Parts 2 & 3 are infinitely more important and infinitely more blessed than this part. Please, no matter where you stand on the New World Order, and no matter what you get or don’t get out of Part 1, please carefully read Parts 2 & 3.

I would like to point out one very important principle before starting:

“In order to arrive at truth, we must have a sincere desire to know the truth and a willingness of heart to obey it.”  {Steps to Christ 111}