Once again, God has made His will known:
“I feel deeply over our present situation. We must now do a work that should have been done long ago. We must do as the Lord directed Moses to do, when the children of Israel, having crossed the desert, were encamped on the borders of Jordan. Moses was bidden to rehearse to them all the dealings of the Lord to them during their journeyings through the wilderness. The record of this rehearsal is found in the book of Deuteronomy.
“The record of the experience through which the people of God passed in the early history of our work must be republished. Many of those who have since come into the truth are ignorant of the way in which the Lord wrought. The experience of William Miller and his associates, of Captain Joseph Bates, and of other pioneers in the advent message, should be kept before our people. Elder Loughborough’s book should receive attention. Our leading men should see what can be done for the circulation of this book.” {Counsels to Writers and Editors 145}
John Loughborough was connected with the Advent movement very early on:
“In the last week in December 1843, I heard my first discourse on Advent preaching…The mighty power of God set home the truth …And there began my first effort to pray and seek God.” {The Great Second Advent Movement 517} (He was 11 years old at the time.)
He tells us in the preface of his book:
“…in those early times, there was manifest what then was a mystery to me. It was this—in every important meeting in different states that Brother and Sister White attended, they would call upon me to go with them. I would say to myself, “Why do they not ask these ministers instead of me all the time?” {Page vi}
As the years passed by he became convinced as to why:
“I received these words in a testimony from Sister White, ‘You have an experience valuable to the cause of God. It must be made to tell for its full value’.” {The Great Second Advent Movement 484}
“As those who have spent their lives in the service of God draw near the close of their earthly history, they will be impressed by the Holy Spirit to recount the experiences they have had in connection with His work.” {7 Testimonies 288} (Quoted on page 484 of his book.}
“The Great Second Advent Movement—Its Rise and Progress,” all 566 pages of it, is his attempt to fulfill those words. He spends the first 200 pages on “its rise,” and the remaining pages on its “progress.” The book is very easy reading; more history than theology. It was very inspiring to read about the faith and dedication and sacrifice of men like Joseph Bates and James White. It was also extremely interesting to read his accounts of the visions and experiences of Ellen White as the Lord’s messenger.
In all of those 566 pages, chronicling “The Great Second Advent Movement” for over 75 years, I couldn’t find one single warning about the New World Order.