Person #4 ~Stephen Haskell, author of “The Story of the Seer of Patmos”

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The last book I want to look at is, “The Story of the Seer of Patmos” by Stephen Haskell. Stephen Haskell, like the others, was long connected with both the Advent movement and Ellen White. In 1905 she wrote:

 “God has men who understand the truth…I saw an article by Elder Haskell and one by Elder Corliss. As I laid the paper down, I said, These articles must be reproduced. There is truth and power in them. Men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
“Let the truths that are the foundation of our faith be kept before the people. Some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils…We are now to understand what the pillars of our faith are—the truths that have made us as a people what we are, leading us on step by step.”  {Review and Herald, May 25, 1905}

 Stephen Haskell was one who not only knew “what the pillars of our faith are,” but also had the blessing and leading of the Holy Spirit to enable him to preach and write concerning them. His book, “The Story of the Seer of Patmos” is a step by step journey through the book of Revelation. It is an easy to read book that is very spiritual.

If there is any place one should expect to find the warning about the New World Order, I would think it would be in the book of Revelation and Stephen Haskell’s commentary on the book of Revelation. He tells us in the preface of his book:

 “The prophecies of Revelation cover the period of the time from the first advent of Christ to the earth made new. The history of the Christian church is repeated four times in different figures, illustrating almost every phase of experience the church will pass through.”  {The Story of the Seer of Patmos 3}

 Yet, in all of its 372 pages, “illustrating almost every phase of experience the church will pass through,” I cannot remember one sentence warning us about the New World Order.