ATODAY Hit the Nail On the Head with Walter Veith

Home Forums Adventist Pastors Teaching Error Within the Organized SDA Church ATODAY Hit the Nail On the Head with Walter Veith

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    • #4296
      Tammy Roesch

      I don’t often agree with ATODAY, but this time, I think they are very correct (except that I don’t agree that we should take the Corona Vaccine). Walter Veith is leading many people astray.  I am convinced he is a WOLF in SHEEPS CLOTHING. It’s so sad that he seems to have almost a CULT-LIKE following. People take what he says as GOSPEL and few research to see if the statements he makes are true or in harmony with the Spirit of Prophecy.

      I’m convinced, Walter Veith is not a TRUE CONSERVATIVE.  Walter Veith

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