This is a lesson I need to learn. I’m always running 90 mph, doing 3 things at once….that is NORMAL for me. It’s hard for me to “be still”. I know that if I could learn that lesson, that God could reveal Himself much more to me.
During the week, I have very little opportunity to practice “being still.” I am up at 4:00 AM and on the treadmill at 4:30 in the morning and I have an hour after that set aside for Bible study and spiritual activities…then the rest of the day I’m running like a “chicken with my head cut off.” I hit the hay at 8:00 PM and start all over again the next day at 4:00 AM, Sunday – Friday. I so look forward to Sabbath coming every Friday night…the peace and quiet we have for 24 hours…is so appreciated.
I know when the weather gets better, and I can spend more time outside, it will be easier to practice “being still” and knowing God. Am looking forward to just going out and sitting by a creek or the pond, or in the middle of the woods, and listening to Nature. I believe that Nature is God’s SECOND BOOK, and He has much to tell us from that book, if we’ll only take the time to listen.