Conservative Adventists, YET, PRO-CHOICE :(

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    • #4675
      Tammy Roesch

      It is shocking to me the number of Adventists who consider themselves CONSERVATIVES, yet they support the “right to choose” whether or not to Murder your Baby.

      I just had this conversation with a woman on MeWe
      26 minutes ago
      Isn’t God pro freedom of choice? Yes abortion is murder, but God gave everyone free will. That’s what Conrad Vine stands for freedom to chose even if that choice is wrong. Morality should not be legislated, even when it’s about murdering babies.
      7 Replies

      Tammy Roesch
      22 minutes ago
      Sorry to read your post @Lisa Ishee. Am I understanding you right, that you think people should be MURDER their own Babies? Do you really think there should be NO LAW against MURDER??? What about STEALING? Should their be laws against STEALING? And all the other MORAL LAWS?

      17 minutes ago
      God has ten laws and men are free to choose whether or not to obey them. That is why we are in the mess we are in. If people would obey God’s laws then man’s would be unnecessary. Only criminals disobey laws. The laws don’t make one bit of difference unless we choose to follow them. If we don’t have freedom to choose then we are robots. God didn’t make robots.

      Tammy Roesch
      13 minutes ago
      Yes, people can always choose to obey or disobey….but that is different from what you said before, unless I misunderstood you. I understood you before to agree with Conrad Vine that women should have the right to choose to murder their own Baby, WITHOUT the threat of going to jail…in other words, there should be no laws against abortion… Is that what you believe?
      I believe there should be laws against abortion just as there should be laws against murdering your 5 year old child….and if you do that, there should be a stiff punishment.

      Tammy Roesch
      12 minutes ago
      The Church and Conrad Vine take the stand that there should be no laws against ABORTION. Is that what you believe?

      6 minutes ago
      Don’t get me wrong I believe abortion is murder and God already has a command against it. All who break God’s commandments and do not repent have one destination. That being said Cain was allowed the choice of killing his brother. It makes no difference if it is an unborn baby or a full grown adult, murder is wrong and God will judge. I do not believe in or condone abortion. I do support freedom of choice just as God does.

      5 minutes ago
      Blessings @Tammy Roesch

      Tammy Roesch
      45 seconds ago
      Yes, we agree, God has a command against it…but it seems that you don’t believe that there should be human laws against it??? that seems like very strange reasoning to me. Shouldn’t our laws be patterned after God’s Laws? Do you believe in punishing thieves and robbers? but not murderers? makes no sense to me.


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