Philippians 4:11 ~

Home Forums BIBLE ~ The New Testament Philippians Chapter 4 Philippians 4:11 ~

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    • #999
      Tammy Roesch

      There are some jobs that are for men and there are other jobs that are for women. It’s so frustrating when women try to do a man’s job and men try to do a woman’s job. For instance…men shouldn’t be Day Care Workers, taking care of small children….and women shouldn’t be taking trees down! And it’s really angering when you are the employer and a woman tries to make you give her the job by threatening discrimination.

      God has made us different ~ male and female….how much better off this world would be if we all just accepted the way we are born and stopped trying to fill positions we were not designed to fill.

      “…for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11.

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Tammy Roesch.
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