Romans 14:10

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    • #1455
      Tammy Roesch

      Romans 14:10 ~ “…for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.”

      When is the last time you have heard a sermon about THE COMING JUDGMENT?

      It’s a RARE thing indeed.

      People don’t want to go to Church and hear that JUDGMENT DAY is coming and that if they intend to go to Heaven, they need to make some REAL CHANGES. Many of the PREACHERS don’t want to cause the people to stop coming to Church**, as that would mean the $$$ would stop flowing in.** Hence, they don’t preach about subjects the people don’t want to hear about. Instead, they PREACH the “feel good” sermons that cause people to feel content right where they are, insuring that they will not be ready to meet Jesus come Judgment Day.

      If that is the SPIRITUAL FOOD you are receiving at your church…you need to look for a different church.

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Tammy Roesch.
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