Good morning and a Blessed Sabbath to you all!! I’m so thankful for the nice weather we had this week, I was able to plant my peas, carrots, beets, kale and lettuce. This is the earliest I’ve ever planted anything….hopefully it wasn’t too early .
I just love working outside in the dirt, and putting a little dried up seed in the ground, anxiously awaiting to see the baby plant pop up through the earth…to make a beautiful mature plant that will give me 100X plus more baby seeds. Think of that! You plant one little tomato seed and get this huge tomato plant that has tons of tomatoes on it, each filled with 100’s of seeds…. God truly works on the MULTIPLICATION PRINCIPLE.
It’s a wonderful spiritual lesson for us…that if we will cooperate with Him, we can be the means of planting little seeds of TRUTH in the hearts of others, that will spring up and grow and help people form beautiful Christian characters, who in turn, will repeat the process of planting TRUTH in the hearts of others.