For those of you who still believe that the SDA Church is going to be a Champion of Truth & Right and when the Sunday Law comes about, it will stand for the Sabbath….please take time to watch this video. Â (There are two sermons on the video, I am referencing the 1st sermon.) Â Pastor Kelly spoke on Sabbath, August 28th, 2021 at The Village Seventh Day Adventist Church in Michigan. This is the best sermon I’ve heard in a LONG time, very relevant and timely.
Here is a snapshot of a statement he quoted from the official SDA website that should send chills up and down your spine.
I find it astounding that the SAME CHURCH that allows for ABORTION in times of rape & incest REFUSES to assist a person with an exemption letter who follows their own conscience in regards to taking this so-called vaccine. Â And they go so far as to claim that there is NOTHING in Adventist Doctrine or Teachings that would support a person following their own conscience and refusing the so-called vaccine. Â They have taken a strong stand against our Adventist Health Message and against our Religious Freedom.
There is such a huge // between what is happening in our WORLD and in the SDA Church. Â BOTH the World and the Church are run by the LIBERAL LEFT. Â The same HOT POTATO subjects, the SOCIAL JUSTICE issues that are at the forefront in the World are at the forefront in the SDA Church. Â Sadly, the WORLD and the SDA Church are walking arm in arm, to perdition.