Members of Adventists in the Narrow Way are considerate, motivated by love and not hate, and they respect one another. Because our members are considerate, loving, and respectful, they do not make overly provocative posts, posts which seek to annoy or cause disruption, or posts which personally attack other members out of anger and frustration. Our members desire to contribute in a positive and loving manner so that Adventists in the Narrow Way will display the gracious love of God. Our rules were established for the benefit of both our membership and Adventists in the Narrow Way as a whole.
- By using this website, you acknowledge your acceptance and understanding of these rules. These rules apply to all communications made on this site.
- Noncompliance with these rules may result in posts which are edited or deleted, and accounts actioned with warnings, infractions or bans.
- Adventists in the Narrow Way reserves the right in its sole discretion, to modify these rules without notice or warning. It is your responsibility to review these rules regularly and ensure your compliance with them.
- Adventists in the Narrow Way reserves the right to edit, remove, move or close any thread when deemed necessary.
- The content of all posted links must comply with Adventists in the Narrow Way‘s rules.
- Those who do not adhere to the 28 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS are welcome as members and participants in discussions, but you are required to respect these beliefs, even if you do not share them.
- You must be 16 years of age to join Adventists in the Narrow Way.
- Only 1 account per member is permitted. No socks are allowed. If you believe you have extenuating circumstances, please contact the admins in Support Center.
- Adventists in the Narrow Way, its owners, and staff will not be held responsible for any advice given or posts made on this site. All advice given or posts made reflect the views and opinions of the poster.
Adventists in the Narrow Way Statement on Marriage
Adventists in the Narrow Way has taken the stand that marriage was established by God who created us male and female (Genesis 1:27-28). We regard marriage as a sacred institution that symbolizes the mysterious bond between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:23-24, Ephesians 5:32). We believe that marriage is much more than a civil contract between two persons, it is a sacred joining together of a man and a woman into one flesh, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:21-25). Therefore, we only recognize heterosexual marriages here at Adventists in the Narrow Way. If you are in a same sex marriage you must select a marital status of either “Legal Union (Other)” or “Private” in your profile.
Blasphemy and Contempt of Christianity
It is considered blasphemy to insult or mock Christianity or any part of the Trinity-Father (God), Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Honest debate about the nature of God and Christian Theology is allowed, but derogatory remarks are not. Contemptuous remarks regarding Christianity or Christian practices are not allowed.
Vulgarity and Profanity
Please do not post, or link to, violent, disturbing, graphic, or sexually explicit images or text. Profanity or foul language is not allowed. This includes using punctuation, symbols, or acronyms to bypass the profanity filter.
Topics Requiring Special Consideration:
- Please check each forum’s Statement of Purpose thread for any additional guidelines related to these controversial topics.
- Abortion, adultery, premarital sex, and marijuana use may be discussed, but encouraging participation in these activities is not allowed. Illegal activities may not be encouraged or promoted*.
- Homosexuality, same-sex marriage, transsexualism and transgenderism may not be promoted* on Adventists in the Narrow Way (including member profiles). Several debate forums allow homosexuality, same-sex marriage, transsexualism and transgenderism to be discussed from a political, legal, historical, and civil rights point of view. Please check the Statement of Purpose thread for individual debate forums before posting.
- Promoting* or proselytizing religious beliefs or religions (including Satanism or Occultism) other than Christianity is not allowed.
- Requesting specific prayers for deliverance from demonic activity, or requesting advice on how to exorcise or bind demons is not allowed. Posts which attempt to exorcise or bind demons, or posts which give instructions on how to complete deliverance are not allowed.
- Please do not give professional legal, financial, medical, or other counseling. Do not direct, imply, or suggest that others should disregard doctors’ orders regarding medical diagnosis and/or treatment.
* Promotion is defined as encouragement of the progress, growth, or acceptance of something including advertising and publicity.
Flaming and Goading
- Please treat all members with respect and courtesy through civil dialogue.
- Do not personally attack (insult, belittle, mock, ridicule) other members or groups of members on Adventists in the Narrow Way. Address only the content of the post and not the poster.
- NO Goading. This includes images, cartoons, smileys or post ratings which are clearly meant to goad. Quoting and then editing another members post to change the original meaning, commonly referred to as “fixed it for you” (FIFY), is considered goading.
- Offensive derogatory nicknames and egregious inflammatory comments about public figures may be considered goading.
- If you are flamed, do not respond in-kind.
- Be considerate and do not make another member’s experience on this site miserable. This includes making false accusations or persistently attacking them in the open forums.
- Respect another member’s request to cease personal contact.
Statement of Purpose and Off-Topic
Read and abide by each forum’s Statement of Purpose; Statement of Purpose threads are sticky threads located at the top of the forum’s page. Not all forums have a Statement of Purpose thread. Start threads that are relevant to that forum’s stated purpose. Submit replies that are relevant to the topic of discussion.
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- For your own safety, please do not publicly disseminate any personally identifiable information such as your home address, phone number, social security number, or credit card information. You may place your Email address and instant messenger information in your profile.
- Be truthful about your identity. This includes gender, age, etc. that you are. Don’t impersonate other members.
- Publicly releasing the contents of a member’s private communications without permission is not allowed.
Copyright Legalities, Spamming and Advertising, Signatures
- Quoted portions of any work should not exceed 20% of the total work. Materials owned by the Associated Press must be quoted using only one sentence. All quoted copyrighted material must be linked to the web page from which it was taken. Do not violate the copyrights of others or promote another work as your own.
- Repetitive posting of similar or identical posts or threads is not allowed. Do not advertise commercial products or services. This prohibition includes begging or soliciting donations or financial support (charitable or otherwise) anywhere on the site. Do not advertise or promote other sites in your signature or your custom username title.
- Signatures may have tickers but not other external links. If desired, place these other links on your profile page.
Disruptive Behavior, Campaigning, Staff Disciplinary Action
Maintain the peace and harmony of Adventists in the Narrow Way by not rehashing alleged grievances or disputes, publicly complaining about posts, threads, Adventists in the Narrow Way or its staff. Attempting to undermine these rules or policies via campaigns, petitions, or protests is not allowed. Please do not publicly discuss reported posts or staff actions taken on yourself or other members.
Bypassing Bans
Do not bypass bans by creating or using sock accounts or modifying your IP address. Doing so will result in a permanent ban and/or an IP ban and a complaint to your ISP (internet service provider).
Account Deletions
We do not delete accounts. We will ban an account if you request it via our Support System.